Covid-19 crisis France and Germany

The difference how the Corona-Virus challenge is handled in France and Germany is interesting and scary. Being in Franceand having family and friends in Germany I have some first- and second-hand information from both countries.

First, the government.

France, Macron: This is a very serious, we are closing all schools, universities, (a few days later) bars, restaurants, (some more days later), in fact we basically put the whole country on home confinement. You can still leave the house for essential shopping, care visits, physical activity, work if not possible from home, but you need to bring a signed piece of paper with you, if not pay a fine.

Results: This seems to be respected, nearly no one is out in the streets or shops any more in our town. I have not seen police (except two on horse back – that’s how small our town is), but I have heard checks are done. Shops make sure that they are not crowded.

Now Germany, Merkel: This is very serious, so please stay at home, practice social distancing, don’t be selfish, we don’t want to force people, that is not our style.

Results: People seem to partially respect it, but still go out. In my parent’s suburb people still go to crowded shops. This might vary a lot from region to region, but I doubt this is not as effective as in France.

So, counter-intuitive observation: In nonchalant France, where people march to protest each time the gov wants to change sth, there is now following the strict rules. And in supposedly obedient Germany the gov does not want to restrain people too much.

Merkel said this crisis is the biggest challenge for since WWII that so much depend on solidarity. Interesting, so Covid-19 shadows the protests in East-Germany in 1989. For sure back then the courageous protests worked because of unity. Merkel was in the middle of it, being member in 1989 of one of the new groups and parties that strived for Democracy in the East. Maybe from growing up in communist totalitarian GDR, she despises any kind of coercion on people.

I feel that France is on the right path to fight the spread of covid-19, I just hope that Germany is doing the right thing, too.